21. September 2016.
28. September 2016.


Croatian Chamber of Commerce-Zagreb Chamber as a part of Croatian Chamber of Commerce includes two territorial units – Zagreb Town and Zagreb County situated in North-West Croatia, which together covers over 3.400 km2 and make metropolitan area that is region with 1.1 million of population which is 25.8%of total number of population in Republic Croatia, with powerful primary and secondary sectors of economy, financial capacities and developed entrepreneur infrastructure. Croatian Chamber of Commerce-Zagreb Chamber has approximately 43 thousand members and as 39% of all Croatian entrepreneurs are concentrated in this area here is generated 38.7% of total Croatian GDP and 54% of total income of Croatian economy. Regarding economic development, the special attention is paid to introduction of new technologies, innovations, connection of science and industry and improvement of competitiveness on global market. Among other, Chamber supports strengthening of social responsibility of corporative sector, and Chamber of Commerce introduced Code of Ethics for that purpose and the access is free for all interested companies. All activities are performed in accordance with Quality Standards ISO 9001:2000

Services include:

  • Stock exchange of goods and services (www.hgk.hr) is specially organized service of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce with the goal to connect demand and offer between Croatian and foreign companies
  • Register of business entities is integrated database of all Croatian companies registered with Commercial Court since establishment of Republic Croatia
  • Register of Croatian importers
  • Waste stock exchange
  • Register of agents and list of agents in trade of real estate
  • European entrepreneurship network– supporting structure to small enterprises in EU renders services in 40 countries and facilitates access to information and way towards EU market www.een.eu
  • Court of Honor and Conciliation Center
  • Fair in country and world on which the Croatian Chamber of Commerce organizes participation for its members
  • Business education
  • Public power –ATA carnets, certificates on origin of goods, licenses for international road transport, keeping of records of bankruptcy procedures
  • Socially responsible business activities



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