Trade in oil and oil derivates
As many others, we faced many difficulties at the time when we established our company. However, with great efforts and hard work of all employees of the MANDIC PETROL gas station, today we are leading Oil Company in Sarajevo East, Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
– MANDIC PETROL has great logistc for procurement, storageing and distribution to wholesale and retail customers.
– MANDIC PETROL has five objects and it continously develops its capacities in the ever competing enviroment.
– MANDIC PETROL has efficient organizational structure and great human resources for trade in olil and oil derivates.
– MANDIC PETROL follows trends in modern business eniromet and has equiped its retail objects with informative technology.
– MANDIC PETROL ensured regular supply for our esteemed customers from reputable regional producers who have years long tradition.