Recent events in Japan, devastating earthquake accompanied by heavy tsunami, present a natural catastrophy with consequences of immeasurable range. Among other, there was an enormous discharge of radioactive material from damaged reactors in nuclear power plant in Fukushima into environment. Of course that this event attracted an attention of global public and initiated many questions in regard with nuclear safety and reconsiderations in the field of insurance and quality control (QA/QC).
Quality assurance in the context of analytical researches requires a control providing the trust in accuracy of the analysis. In order to achieve a higher level of transparency of procedures, to minimize possible source of errors and standardize handling of samples, instruments and data, and at the same time to decree a rate of unadjusted results, the concept of control and assurance of quality have been developed.
In recent time the credibility of some research laboratory increasingly depends on documented evidences on implementation of insurance and quality management in accordance with international standards. According to this, it is necessary to establish complete quality system in certain field of the laboratory operations. In addition, the care should be taken that the insurance and quality control are continuous processes but not a goal to be achieved once and for ever.
Following contemporary trends, Laboratory for Nuclear and Plasma Physics (LNPF) Of the Institute for Nuclear Sciences “Vinča” is licensed for gamma-spectrometric analysis of the radionuclide content in samples from the environment under the standard SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2006.( According to standard requirements and under recommendations given in TCS No. 24, there is a continuous internal quality control of the semi-conductor HPG spectrometer.
In organization of the Croatian Association for the Protection from Radiation , there was the International VIII Symposium (, on Krk Island, in period from April 13 to April 14, 2011 was held. This was an unique opportunity to present the analysis of permanent internal quality control of semi-conducting HPG spectrometer to the public, as well as analysis of participation of LNPF in two inter-comparative campaigns organized by IRMM and IAEA during 2008 and 2009.
As one of results of this symposium is Publication with 80 papers of authors from about twenty countries, among which almost all from the region. There was a round table organized in regard with events in Fukushima with the goal to inform the public on proved facts. In addition, the LNPF representatives had an opportunity to exchange information and experience considering the actual issues of protection of environment with colleagues from science institutions in the region, dealing with similar issues. Well known fact is that radiological pollution has not local but global characteristics and considering the significant number of nuclear plants in the region, there should be continuous and comprehensive cooperation of laboratories in the field of radioecology.
Participation in this symposium provided better insight of total status in the field of radiation protection and confirmed a need for more intensive cooperation of science institution in the region. Opportunity for further cooperation will be XXVI Symposium of the Association for Protection from Radiation of Serbia and Montenegro (, which shall be held in period from October 12 – 14, 2011, on Tara.
Global trends in the field of radioecology require multidisciplinary and international approach. Therefore, better scientific and economic cooperation is necessary between countries in the region. Associates of LNPF recognized website of Business Partners as an excellent media providing the opportunity for connection of scientific and professional public, as well as economy of countries of the region.
Dr. Aleksandar Kandić